
Girl Historians

Comedians Blair MacMillan and Carley Thorne attempt to be historians.
Dec 09 2023

Titanic the Movie

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Carley and Blair go behind the scenes of the iconic 1997 James Cameron/Leonardo DiCaprio/Kate Winslet Best Picture-winning movie, Titanic. Nudity!...
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Nov 20 2023

The Wreck

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Carley and Blair celebrate our Lord and Savior, Robert D. Ballard, seemingly the only person racing to find the Titanic's...
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Nov 11 2023

Titanic Conspiracies

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"The energy... it's like we drank a bottle of wine before recording this."Blair and Carley review some of the major...
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Oct 22 2023

The Sinking

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Carley and Blair dare to review the official timeline of the night the Titanic sunk... April 14th to 15th, 1912.
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Oct 13 2023

Key Passengers and Crew

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In part 2 of the investigation, Carley and Blair review the most famous suspects. How many shipwrecks can the Unsinkable...
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Oct 06 2023

The Ship

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Blair and Carley welcome you to Truthtanic, the only show brave enough to ask: what happened to the RMS Titanic...
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