Will Sasso
Will Sasso was born in Ladner, British Columbia (a suburb of Vancouver), to a family of Italian descent. He grew up respecting comedy of all styles, thanks in part to an unhealthy relationship with the family television that began when Will was around two or three. With his mind consequently bent, Sasso decided at an early age to become an actor. At the age of fifteen, he landed his first agent and quickly began booking roles in television and film. Before moving from Vancouver to Los Angeles, Sasso starred for five seasons as the quirky teen, "Derek Wakaluk" on the award-winning Canadian dramatic series Madison (1993) allowing him to hone his acting and improvisational skills as well as providing him with enough money to buy a television of his own. Will starred for five seasons on FOX's hit sketch comedy series Mad TV (1995) giving TV viewers a reason to stay up late with characters like the accident-prone handyman "Paul Timberman" and offbeat impressions of Bill Clinton, Kenny Rogers, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal and Randy Newman. After a successful tenure with the show beginning in 1997, Sasso decided to leave the late-night staple in 2002, eager to explore the next stage of his career. Moviegoers know Sasso from his roles in more than twenty-five feature films including Best in Show (2000), directed by Christopher Guest, Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999), Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) starring the late Chris Farley, and The Hot Chick (2002) starring Rob Schneider and produced by Adam Sandler, with whom Sasso previously worked on Happy Gilmore (1996). Currently Will is the co-host of a podcast called Dudesy. Will along with Chad Kultgen have been selected by a state of the art entertainment AI to host a first of its kind comedy podcast where they have been convinced to grant the Dudesy AI access to all of their personal emails, text messages, social media accounts, purchases, and browsing histories so that it can tailor the show to their specific personalities and entertain you at the highest level possible. Every episode is an experiment that generates data that will be used to make the next episode even better! Eventually Dudesy will be perfect and so will you.

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