
The Landlord and Tenant Podmess

The only podcast with the guts to ask the question: can a landlord and tenant be buddies?
May 27 2020

The Funnyman & Serious Writer Jordan Foisy

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The Landlord and Tenant Podmess

The Funnyman & Serious Writer Jordan Foisy

01:27:52 Download (70MB)


Hi. This week, James is hot and Michael is cold. Then, it’s time for the debut of the exciting new segment “Drake’s Pool Rules!”

Our guest is comedian, TV writer and actual writer Jordan Foisy, who stops by to shoot the breeze. Be sure to check out Jordan’s Digital Publishing Award-nominated article here: https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/8xw97p/i-hadnt-seen-my-addict-father-in-yearsthen-i-ran-into-him-on-the-street

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This podcast is part of the Sonar Network.

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