Karen Williams
Karen Williams graduated summa cum laude from Cleveland State University with a personally-designed major in "Humor and Healing." She earned a Master of Education degree from CSU's Adult Learning & Development program. Karen Williams, M.Ed, taught Stand-Up Comedy in the Dramatic Arts department of Cleveland State University. Karen Williams is also the creator and facilitator of the Humor-at-Large Workshop Series; founder of the National Women's Comedy Conference; past president of the Association of Women's Music and Culture; former board member of AIDS, Medicine and Miracles, Love Makes A Family, and the National Black Justice Coalition.  She is a certified provider of STC courses in communication skills and diversity for the California Board of State and Community Corrections (www.bscc.ca.gov).
Karen Williams is the Founder and CEO of HaHA Institute, former owner of The Healing Place Education Center, and an awesome celebrity wedding officiant!

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