01: Real Legitimate Actors
Evan has Aiden and Sam introduce themselves. Aiden reveals he has signed with an agent, has a toothpaste commercial audition, and has met a girl named Brittany. We meet Sam’s live-in girlfriend, Layla. Sam makes quinoa.
Thank you for listening.
Instagram: @RLAseries
Twitter: @RLAseries
Facebook: @RLAseries
Email: RLAseries@gmail.com
Patreon: Patreon.com/RLAseries
Brought to you by the Sonar Network: www.thesonarnetwork.com/real-legitimate-anthology
Ian Geldart – @iangeldart
Adam Alberts – @adam_alberts / Bad Bunch
Ezra Fama de Smit – @ezrafamadesmit
Lily Maclean – @lilymaclean
Theme Song: “The Bread is Hard as Crackers” by Velella Velella / CC A-NC 3.0
Adam Alberts
Adam has recently moved to Vancouver to pursue his acting and his indie-filmmaking career as a writer and director. He assures you that all events in Real Legitimate Actors are fictional. Recently, …Ezra Fama de Smit
As you can see, Ezra is both legitimate and an actor. In fact, he is one of the most sought after actors in Canada and you should definitely speak to his agent about hiring him. Ezra has performed in …Lily Maclean
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