07: Real Legitimate Actors
Aiden receives a call from his cousin, Avery. Sam orders a kombucha and rehearses for his play.
Inspirational Quote: “Ignoring fame was my rebellion in a funny way. It probably wasn’t advisable to go to college in America and room with a complete stranger. And it probably wasn’t wise to share a bathroom with eight other people in a co-ed dorm. Looking back, that was crazy.” – Emma Watson
Thank you for listening.
Instagram: @RLAseries
Twitter: @RLAseries
Facebook: @RLAseries
Email: RLAseries@gmail.com
Patreon: Patreon.com/RLAseries
Brought to you by the Sonar Network: www.thesonarnetwork.com/real-legitimate-anthology
Ian Geldart – @iangeldart
Adam Alberts – @adam_alberts / Bad Bunch
Aris Tyros – @aristyros
David Chinchilla – @davidchin088
Ezra Fama de Smit – @ezrafamadesmit
Mara Lazarus – @maralaz
Theme Song: “The Bread is Hard as Crackers” by Velella Velella / CC A-NC 3.0
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