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and get all kinds of exclusive content for Sonar superfans.

We create podcasts that make you laugh, think, cry, and then laugh again! In 2017 we started as a little group of 6 podcasts who wanted to lift each other up and today we boast dozens of incredible shows (and more coming soon!).

With your support we’ll be able to get more visibility for our podcasters, host more fun events in support of the community, increase the quality of production, and, frankly, keep the lights on!

At The Sonar Network, our driving force is always the podcasting community. Podcasting is an art and supporting local artists is the only way to help them to thrive. We believe in supporting our local podcasters, artists, musicians, comedians, writers, and all of the creative people who make our world more fun, more beautiful, and more interesting. Thanks for checking us out! We hope you find a podcast on our network that is perfect for you!

We love you!

And BIG THANKS to our incredible Patrons!

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